Education Advocate

Education Hot Topics
Where does Dr. Gibson stand on major educational issues?

No Critical Race Theory
Dr. Gibson supports the implementation of the 1776 Curriculum and does not support a curriculum that includes Critical Race Theory or its tenets.

No Covid- 19 Shot Mandates
Dr. Gibson supports optional covid-19 shots for all school-aged children. Parents should decided what is best for their child's medical health.

No Mask Mandates
Dr. Gibson supports optional face mask use for school-aged children. Parents should decided what is best for their child.

School Choice Funding
Dr. Gibson stands in support of school choice scholarship programs with accountability measures in place and greater educational autonomy in SC.

Virtual Learning
Dr. Gibson supports the virtual model as an effective pathway to a high-quality education but understands it is not the best vehicle for learning for all students.

Educator Compensation
Dr. Gibson stands in support of educator pay increase and lower student to teacher ratio.